Category Archives: Infant Photography Los Angeles



couple on beach embracing

Welcome to the Matt Cramer Photography blog! We are a husband and wife photography team located in Los Angeles, CA specializing in newborn and baby photography.




Studio located in Burbank, CA


Matt Cramer Photography is a Los Angeles based husband and wife newborn & baby photographer team serving the Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Clarita and Orange County areas, including Pasadena, Burbank, Glendale, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Northridge, Arcadia, El Monte, Monrovia, as well as the South Bay and Beach Cities.



Phone: 818.326.3344


This beautiful family!! I was going through past sessions and realized I never shared this! The love shared in this family and the love they felt for newest addition was a sight to see! The sweetest!! 🤍🤍 xo, Jess 

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This photo means so much to us. This sweet girl is baby #2 for this wonderful family- and we’ve photographed them both! This time they drove all the way from Anaheim!  We always so honored when families come from so far to see us. 🙏

When mom asked if she could bring her wedding veil to the session, we weren’t sure how it would work, but we told her to bring it in and we’d see what we could do.
During the session, baby was so relaxed and sleepy, we decided to give the veil a try. We played around with it, and this shot ended up being our favorite. It felt so simple and sweet, and we love how it turned out.
Capturing their second baby felt extra special—there’s nothing better than watching families grow and being part of their story.

Q: Can we bring our own props to the session? 

A: We usually stick to the props we have here in the studio, but if there’s something really meaningful to you, let us know. We’re happy to look it over and see if it can be safely and beautifully included.

Matt Cramer Photography has been photographing newborns in Los Angeles for over 12 years. We focus on creating relaxed, stress-free sessions and timeless images that families will treasure forever. With more than 1,600 babies photographed, we’ve built a reputation for making every session feel special and easy for new parents.

#LosAngelesNewbornPhotographer #NewbornPhotographyLA #TimelessNewbornPhotos #BabyPhotographyLA #FamilyKeepsakes #NaturalNewbornPhotos #LAParents #MattCramerPhotography #ghoonghat #indianwedding #indianweddingveils
We always always make sure to capture those super close up shots! Every detail of your baby’s little face. So you’ll never forget! ❤️❤️ xo, Jess 

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Sweetest lil gal all snuggled up! Blush pink is always a fav! ❤️ xo, Jess 

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